Sunday 22 April 2018

Brief 6 - Sci-Fi FUI - Research

User interfaces designed for use in sci-fi (or other forms of fiction), known as Fictional User Interfaces, often follow a similar path: they employ dramatic visuals, information overload and monotonous colour themes to convey an exciting and believable, albeit almost entirely unusable graphical user interface. Many on-screen elements, particularly the omnipresent super-small-scale written information, is duplicated to save time (with the knowledge that no one except other FUI designers will bother freeze-framing and analysing them). 

Fictional user interfaces are uniquely interesting in that, beyond basic believability and context, they don't actually have to be usable. They just need to fit into their environment and look exciting. 

It would make sense for my foray into FUIs to take cue from the monochrome, hyperbolic, super detailed designs I've been exploring. 

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