Sunday 22 April 2018

Brief 6 - Sci-Fi FUI - Initial Ideas and Sketching


Sketching allows for a more fluid and unhindered exploration and development of ideas; particularly when lots of visual elements are present (such is the case). It allows for ideas to be more rapidly tested, validated and easily discarded if they don't work, without the expenditure of time necessary when creating a digital design. 

Initial Digital Phase 

The transition to digital allows for detailed elements, layering, colour and type to be applied to the concepts to allow for further visual development. It is here that it becomes clear if the idea will work or not. 

 Development >

As this concept was developed, the colour theme was reduced to fall in-line with the monochromatic research, and the type was made to be super dramatic and legible (but still including unnecessary and repetitive info, in typical FUI fashion). 

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