Monday 15 May 2017

SB2: Version 2 development

Version 2 of the site is a response to the feedback garnered so far. Feedback is incredibly important in this brief - it is vital that the opinion of as many people as possible is sought to understand what works and what doesn't work about the concept. And negative, actionable feedback is usually more useful than other forms. 

Version 2 distills the concept to its most simple form - a highly usable, highly engaging site which encourages the user to explore all aspects before continuing on. It can utilise background imagery with abstract relations to the content, and large type to display high-impact facts and statistics in an engaging way. 

Being able to filter the facts by time period; such as daily, weekly or yearly, allows the user to make more relevant comparisons. 

Feedback: though the background was deemed appropriate, and most people saw fallen trees, the lines were agreed as being too strong, and taking too much attention away from the text.  

This variant employs thinner stroke lines instead of a white fill to revert the visual hierarchy to the text

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