Monday 15 May 2017

SB2: Further development and iteration feedback

The target buttons have been moved upwards to increase their presence, balance the page and increase the likelihood of further user interaction. 

Though the site is to take on a mostly serious tone of voice to not detract from the reality and shock of the issue at hand, a concentrated feedback session concluded that an overly serious tone may detract from the site's ability to engage the user, and may prove an obstacle with shareability. People are more likely to engage and share things they find humorous or entertaining. 

Tesla Inc. have successfully used dramatic and overzealous size comparisons to great effect. The image above shows Tesla Gigafactory 1 being compared in size to 50 billion hamsters. Though offering no real contextual value in figuring out the building's size, it makes it clear to the audience in a humorous and entertaining way that the building is (very) large. could employ similar techniques, as demonstrated below.  

The pollution tab has been removed both for sensitivity reasons if a humorous tone of voice is to be employed, and because it was less compatible than the other three. 

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