Tuesday 1 December 2015

Pictograms: Olympic Symbols

Designed by Otl Aicher, a renowned graphic designer, these symbols use sharp angles and simple shapes to convey a fluid, fast-moving appearance. 

The symbols for the London Olympics had two versions - ones designed for use as actual standalone symbols, and separate ones for digital application. The digital ones use blue and pink lines in a way reminiscent of the map of the Underground. This is an example of when cultural values can be applied to something traditionally designed solely to communicate. 

These symbols represent Ancient Greek history and art, and they're by far the most overtly cultural of the 'modern' Olympic pictograms, which makes sense given the origins of the Olympic Games. 

My pictogram for Archery is meant to be avant garde, mechanical and geometric. The sharp, angular shapes are meant to give the illusion of permanent movement and speed, as well as representing precision and skill.

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