Thursday 31 December 2015

Public Information Film: "Smoker of The Future"

The Public Information Film "Smoker of The Future" utilises disturbing and dark imagery of a future human that has evolved specifically to smoke. It uses dark and dank visuals alongside sci-fi-esque electronic music to form a future dystopia where humans have absurdly long noses, very long middle and index fingers, tiny ears ('because they don't listen'), and very thick eyelids. 

It's a disturbing and horrifying future image that belittles, patronises and plants blame on people who smoke for disadvantaging humanity. It's presented in a way which is visually similar to well known sci-fi films of the late 20th-century, like The Matrix and Blade Runner, which immediately and automatically results in negative and irreparable future imagery resonating in the viewers' minds. 

The narrator talks in an ominous and occasionally patronising way (like when he references the small ears), but also in a way which is similar to an advert for a product, listing the specifications and new features. Because of the huge range of people who smoke, it's arguably a film with an infinitely broad audience, both at smokers and non smokers, of ages from 15-95. It both encourages smokers to quit, and non smokers not to start, for the sake of humanity's future. 

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