Wednesday 9 December 2015

Using Wayfinding as Part of an Identity

Whilst it is of utmost importance that a wayfinding system has communication as its top priority, care must also be taken that the identity of the environment is not lost because of this, but rather conveyed and enhanced by it. 

From the beginning, my wayfinding system for LCA was focused on legibility, understandability and clarity. It was about getting from A to B as quickly and effectively as possible. But it must be a priority that the system doesn't become too sterile, too washed out and lacking in identity; I have to find a way to use wayfinding to enrich and enhance the environment without compromising its effectiveness as a tool that gets you from place to place. 

Some successful examples of wayfinding achieve this by incorporating the system into the physical area, like that seen below. 

By using colours and pictograms that span the entire area you're navigating, a creative, interesting and downright intriguing environment is created. I will look into incorporating similar elements into my system for LCA. I mustn't lose the colourful and creative identity of the college. 

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