Saturday 25 March 2017

SB2 - Potential design responses to the threat of climate change

1. Hedonistic sustainability?

Show that sustainable products can be better than non sustainable products.

(Ad campaign or website for compelling sustainable products)

2. Universal advantages of a transition to renewable energy/transport?

Educate people on the economic advantages of catalysing the transition to a renewable future, rather than the social or environmental.

(Ad campaign, website...?)

3. Need for science and information in politics? 

Remind people why experts, scientists and facts are more important than ever in the current political climate.

(Ad campaign, website...?)

3. Statistical awareness 

Many people are unaware of the dramatic evidence and statistics surrounding the science of climate change, and a broader public awareness would decrease climate change denial and apathy, and create more interest and potentially catalyse the transition to climate neutral/positive technologies. 

(Ad campaign, app, website...?)

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