Tuesday 14 March 2017

Collaborative - Initial ideas for the landing page

Megan designed and screenprinted the following pattern based on the ingredients available for the chocolate bars. It forms a key part of the product's identity. She will later develop the second pattern, based on items which remind people of their childhood. 


       Post-crop and spot healing

After cropping and cleaning the image, I utilised it in the initial versions of the web landing page. Transparent layering is used to give overall precedence to the pattern, and to create a unique appearance to signify the uniqueness of the product. Whilst it retains key brand elements such as the type, colour scheme and logo, it remains unique. 

The patterns created by Megan serve as a main point of identity for the chocolate bars, and this should be reflected on both the packaging, any marketing material, and any digital environment the bars will be shown. As the creation of a landing page is a specific requirement of the brief, it gave a good opportunity to show how the patterns could be utilised as well as the standard brand elements (such as the colours, type etc.) to create a unique but cohesive campaign and product identity. 

Though bright colours are a part of the GUCC's identity, good aesthetics and communication are still the priority, and so the above revision was made to ensure the colours weren't too garish or jarring as you scroll down the page. Additional layers of transparency were added to increase the legibility of the large scale type. 

Once the packaging is complete, many of the elements of the page will be updated to showcase it. 

Mocking the page up as if it was on a computer allows the client to better imagine the product in existence

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