Sunday 19 March 2017

Collaborative - Packaging and net development

We met as a group for over 4 hours to collaborate on the creation of the nets. We 
utilised high resolution scans of the patterns created by Megan, high resolution scans of ripped paper, and the brand elements as provided by the Grown Up Chocolate Company. 

Outer sleeve - allure of colour and pattern, mystery through a lack of written information, and intrigue through the inferred shape of a chocolate bar 

 Inner sleeve - to be used as a poster after use 

 Inner tray - extends the familiar, cheeky tone of voice 

Outer tray - social media information, brand elements and space required for mandatory information 

Megan assembled some rapid prototypes in black and white to assess the scale, fit and composition of the type and imagery

Anna created a glossary of ingredients to be supplied the the GUCC 

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