Friday 17 March 2017

Collaborative - How we applied the broad philosophy of Scrum development and The Toyota Production System to our group working

Scrum development

Scrum development in a very general sense refers to the completion of tasks in a sprint-based fashion over a short period of time. We worked in this way at least once over a week, and to increase productivity worked as an entire group in the studio instead of individually in separate locations. This resulted in the development of more work than had been achieved in the entire two weeks prior. It also meant we could more effectively employ parts of the Toyota Production System, outlined below:

Toyota Production System 

Though the Toyota Production System is a managerial method employed in the manufacturing industry, there are components we could apply to design management and design collaboration. The underlying principle of The Toyota Way is to only make what needs to be made to avoid wasted materials and resources. In our case the biggest resource to be wasted was time, and to avoid wasting time we streamlined the creative process to eliminate unnecessary alterations and experiments e.g. needless colour experiments and layout adjustments. Instead, we assessed every iteration as a group against the criteria we were designing for. If it met it, we went with it, if it didn't, we restarted the process. 

Other working methods

In order to ensure a constant and updated group knowledge of the progress and cohesion of the brief, we used cloud storage to store all material and designs. This ensured that any member of the group could access any of our designs at any time, allowing edits and improvements to be made easily. It also meant that we could always see what tasks we had all completed without the need to meet when it was unnecessary. 

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