Thursday 12 January 2017

How to avoid it becoming a fad

Many fitness tracking and health monitoring devices or apps (even those not intended as such) often go through a temporary surge in popularity and then usage falls sharply and only the most loyal users remain. 

Although Fitbit is the best-selling fitness device, only 9.5 million out of 19 million registered users use it actively. Pokémon Go did a pretty great job of tricking people into walking more and being more often, but their daily active users, downloads, engagement, and time spent on the app per day are all well off their peaks and on a downward trend.

A rare achievement on an Xbox One console

Long term gamification, similar to what Xbox Live and PSN have achieved, may offer a solution but it's difficult to emulate that on a mobile platform. Points and rewards based competitiveness with friends will encourage people to get their friends on board. 

Access to national and international leaderboards will also mean that users are not dependent on their friends playing or remaining loyal.  Of course the option to have your data displayed would be optional. 

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