Friday 13 January 2017

App identity

"In other words, we strive for simplicity and functionality as much as we pursue beauty, purity and emotional relevance."
           Philips Design 

As with the UI design of the app itself, its identity must be simple and functional, but also friendly and approachable. This friendly appearance could be paired with a competitive tone of voice to encourage healthy competition amongst friends and areas. 

Hero images will be taken next week in the photography studio, but in lieu of those, the promotional images below show how a print/online ad campaign could be run. 

The fingerprint icon hints at the in-depth and scientific nature of the app while also making it clear that the app is personal and built around the user. The motto is competitive but not intimidating or incendiary. Gamification is key in the widespread adoption and continued use of the app. The blue gradient is also used in the app background, and uses key colours from the Philips palette. 

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