Monday 21 November 2016

Full Brief for Design for Screen

Hyperloop is an ultra-high speed transportation concept with numerous start-ups working separately on it. Though the concept of pneumatic tube transportation systems have existed for a number of decades, a version using modern technology and a dedicated business plan was developed by Elon Musk in 2012. After writing a white paper outlining the potential technological and business strategies, he then released it for other companies to actually create it. SpaceX, Musk’s space transportation company, owns the trademark Hyperloop. The system would allow you to travel at speeds of up to 760mph, meaning you could travel from Los Angeles to San Francisco in around half an hour. Though this is drastically faster than other ground-based transport systems, it still involves people being stationary for periods of time ranging from half an hour to upwards of an hour. Though specific details are still being developed, it seems likely that passengers will not be able to use devices such as their own laptop within the pods. This creates an opportunity for a comprehensive digital experience within the pods.

Hyperloop has to be an exciting, comfortable and calming experience. If passengers are to embark the capsule, be strapped in and have no access to their own personal technology or items with no view of the outside, then the experience then becomes sterile, odd and inconvenient. The entire, beginning-to-end experience must be exciting, comfortable and calming. 

The ideal experience of using Hyperloop should be extremely fast and easy, but also calming, reliable and even somewhat friendly. The interface should replicate this. There are a number of features that the system could have, such as live travel times, speed, information on the destination, a web browser, weather etc. A balance must be found between making the interface easy to use but new, exciting and engaging. 

Target Audience
Due to its nature, the interface would have a very broad audience of people aged 18-40. Most people who use the system would have extensive pre-existing  experience with touchscreen technology, so using it would be intuitive and obvious to them.

A selection of concept interface design visuals for the Hyperloop Pod Interfaces.

Supporting Resources/Information
Interface typography studies
Colour theory
Colour psychology
Major OS interfaces
Current public transport interfaces e.g. trains, planes

Car interfaces 
Plane back-of-seat screens
User experience in vehicles, specifically planes and the difference in class
User experience in trains
Historic transport experience e.g. original planes, supersonic planes (Concorde)

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