Tuesday 25 October 2016

Updated front cover

In multiple feedback sessions it was noted that the book's front cover, though relevant and somewhat appropriate, was not very visually simulating. In order for the book to appeal to a larger audience the cover must be visually appealing, and so the final version was updated to improve this. The illustration on the front reflects various different screen sizes and aspect ratios, from 16:10 to 4:3. The title typeface is Maison Neue Medium, reflective of the body text inside. This creates harmony from cover to cover, and also allows for high legibility to be maintained, which is important for a title. The description is set in Maison Neue Mono, the same as the title typeface within the book. This typeface in particular provides a visual link to the digital through its association with retro tech and command prompts. The blue does this too through its connotations with the very first operating system background colours. 

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