Sunday 30 October 2016

Rapid prototyping and durability assessment

The A4 dimensions of the publication allow for rapid and cheap prototyping. This prototype was bound with bulldog clips in order to allow for proofreading and layout improvements. Errors with the text and some inconsistent image spacing were corrected.  

The prototype was then perfect bound (sans cover) in order to assess the correct quantity of glue to apply. Generally 3 layers are recommended, so I conducted a durability dest after applying 3 layers by choosing random pages and suspending the book by them. The pages remained in tact, but cracking sounds were heard as if they were trying to break loose. In subsequent tests, 4 layers of glue were applied and the cracking sound could not be repeated. By testing out the amount of glue needed for ample durability, a weak final publication has been avoided. 

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