Tuesday 4 October 2016

Every Book Starts with An Idea: Notes for Designers

Every Book Starts with An Idea: Notes for Designers by Armand Mevis

Mevis' essay on book design contains a lot of useful information, and his initial (harsh) observation resonates with me:

"Out of all those books there must only be a few hundred whose design is worth looking at, fewer to talk about and fewer again to discuss in depth"

Whilst undeniably harsh, his comments feel more justified if you go into almost any library or bookstore and take a look around. One or two out of the hundreds may strike you as being particularly well designed, and the rest just disappear into the background. 

I also like his comparison of book design to finding your way out of a jungle - you're (in most cases) presented with a huge bulk of text and it's up to you to decide how it looks, feels, works, reads etc. 

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