Monday 3 October 2016

The focus of my publication

My publication will serve to form an analysis of typography in current interface design principles and examples, a historical overview of past examples of interface design, and an approximation of potential future scenarios for it. I won't focus exclusively on a set environment except digital, but instead I'll try to encompass as many areas as possible. Desktop and mobile operating systems will feature heavily, and there'll be a deep look into interfaces on wearable technology since it's still an emerging market. I'll also explore games consoles, vehicles and VR/AR. 

It will be targeted at UI designers, digital designers, and designers in general, as well the more broad audience of tech enthusiasts. This would allow me to use both the design press and the tech press as potential help to market and review the book.

My book must be pleasant to look at and use, but due to its nature as a design information book it must be durable, easy to store and not overly fancy to keep costs and manufacturing realistic and appropriate to scale.

Exploring how typography is used in interfaces in such a broad and all-encompassing manner will allow me to set a good founding for further UI explorations in future modules, as well as COP and PPP. 

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