Friday 8 January 2016

Public Information Film: "Protect and Survive"

The Protect and Survive film series was designed to increase public awareness of what to do in the event of a nuclear attack on the UK. It can be seen as the UK equivalent to the US series Duck and Cover, but the tone of voice and the presentation is of polar opposites. 

The films consist of a monotonous and ominous narrator voicing what to do in numerous situations; pre-attack warnings, fallout preparations, casualty procedures, and finding shelter. They're scary to the extent it could be labelled scaremongering, whether intentional or not, but the information within them is very useful and important. Because of the nature of the video it is aimed at a large variety of age groups, but the focus is on middle aged people with families to protect, made clear by the 'nuclear family' on the Protect and Survive logo. 

Directions and instructions are given in a very simple and to-the-point manner, making them clear and impactful but also quite scary. The casual discussion of what to do with a dead body in your house is no light matter, and so perhaps shouldn't be presented like it is either. 

The use of a miniature model house is more appropriate than using an actual house because it is easier to locate exactly what areas the narrator is discussing, and because of its basic design it is easier to apply the same instructions to your own house. Perhaps something similarly universal could be included in the leaflet. 

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