Monday 25 January 2016


My final leaflet does what it intended to do - scare and inform in a way inspired by the world of fiction and sci-fi. I made two final tests, in 100gsm and 200gsm paper. Whilst the 100gsm variant was too thin and flimsy, the weight of the thicker one made the black ink crack when folded. In the version that would actually be mass produced, however, black paper would be used with coloured ink, and so this issue would be avoided. 

The final make is produced very simply through one fold, and although this may seem dull it adds to the leaflet's practicality, reduces print costs and increases usability. 

Whilst at some points I regretted abandoning the high-realism variant, ultimately I decided that my final one was indeed the right choice. It mitigates the boring, expected, logo-ridden aesthetic, and instead installs a fresh, new and highly appealing design. It is scary, practical and experimental - exactly what it's meant to be. 

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