Friday 26 January 2018

Brief 3 - Instrument Cluster - Initial Concept

Starting with an incredibly simple design allows for the basics to be worked out - what information is absolutely essential, and what way is best to display them. 

Then more decorative/hierarchical elements can be experimented with. These division lines create an interesting white-on-white aesthetic whilst also subliminally creating three areas for information; e.g. potentially the left section for driver info, middle for vehicle info, and right for media info. Categorising information helps it be more easily identifiable/locatable, and avoids cognitive overload. 

Colour is incredibly useful in interface design - here it makes clear to the user that they should focus on the wheels, and highlights that there's a problem there. Giving a visual example of the problem area is more useful that simply providing a written description both in terms of the rapidity in which the user understands what is wrong, and how easily they understand it (particularly with more complex faults). 

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