Friday 26 January 2018

Brief 3 - Instrument Cluster - Feedback on Initial Concept

In order to inform the direction going forwards, a number of people were asked to identify what they thought was bad, and what they thought was good about the following three concepts:

Concept 1 
There was an overall agreement that although the simplicity of this concept was refreshing and relatively pleasing to the eye, it wasn't enough of an advantage to compromise necessary information, and that some more decorative elements would be appreciated. 

Concept 2 
The visual highlighting of elements on the vehicle was received positively, as was the minimalist notification toasts. The more decorative lines on this concept, reminiscent of the traditional dial-style rounded designs employed by the majority of automakers, were also well received. 

Concept 3 
The aesthetics of this concept were appreciated, but not in the context of a car with some level of manual driver control. 

Incorporate more information, more decorative elements, but continue simplicity