Thursday 9 February 2017

Small Brief 2 - NEST Space Submission

It seemed appropriate to combine my desire to become proficient in 3D software with the opportunity to respond to a brief. The upcoming Nest magazine will have the theme of 'Space', and this provides a very broad base to go off. 

Space could be visualised through a sense of scale, proximity, colour and shape. It could be taken more literally in the theme of outer space, or more asbtractly through the concept of space as a "the boundless three-dimensional extent in which objects and events have relative position and direction"

The illustration began with the creation of a sphere, the most visual representation of objects in outer space. Textures and colours were then explored until a striking, ambiguous and unique image was created. 

Multiple feedback sessions were held to discover what people relate the image to, and what is makes people think of first. An asteroid, a sub-atomic particle, an exploded-view mountain range and an ice planet were all mentioned. These all relate well to ideas of space and scale, and so the illustration was deemed appropriate for submission. 

Visually it also links well to NEST's identity, which if often monotone, and makes good use of black and white. 

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