Tuesday 6 December 2016

Seat-back interfaces and lighting

This is the interior experience and back-seat interface on a 2014 Airbus A330. The lighting could be adjusted for a variety of scenes and moods and it had a wide variety of colours. They were only used at the start of the flight and at no other point; it'd be interesting to find out when they're primarily used. It's likely that vehicle and environmental lighting solutions in the future will have benefits linked directly to biological/psychological functions e.g. removing blue light in order to make sleep easier (or vice versa), or using colours to evoke particular emotions. These techniques have often been employed by interior designers, but should increasingly be employed by UI/UX and experience designers too. 

The interfaces themselves are overly small and cramped, with an uninspiring and relatively unexciting aesthetic. Information such as altitude and ground speed is displayed, which is a good step, but it leaves you wanting more and the manner in which its displayed is dull and not futuristic.

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