Tuesday 13 December 2016

Flexibility-Usability Tradeoff in Interfaces

The flexibility-usability tradeoff is a design principle maintaining that the usability of a system decreases as its flexibility increases. The tradeoff exists because accommodating a greater degree of flexibility makes it increasingly more difficult to create ample filters and regions for the features and information to exist, which then results in a cluttered and unintuitive interface. 

An aircraft/spacecraft cockpit perfectly illustrates this - a pilot needs access to every single individual control and aspect of the system, but this results in a highly esoteric and unintuitive system with very low levels of get-go usability. Though this case is unique in its requirements, the same can be applied to something like a TV remote. Most TV remotes are inundated with myriad features that have extremely low levels of user engagement, but the controls and features remain there just in case the user needs them. Though the remote is made highly flexible, it's also made highly unusable as users have to search for their desired function, and touch-only interaction is rendered void by the sheer number of identical elements. The alternative is to create a remote with only the most engaged-with controls, such as volume, source input, on/off and channel switch. But what if the user actually needs the features which have been removed? You then depend on the TV itself having ample controls, which is rare and creates a more negative overall experience. This demonstrates how difficult the trade-off can be. 

In the case of digital user interfaces, particularly regarding one fit for Hyperloop, this tradeoff can be important in creating a positive user experience. Sci-fi interfaces often favour the flexibility stand-point, and real-life contemporary UI designers tend to favour the usability stand-point. It'd make sense for Hyperloop to find a good compromise between both the excitement of sci-fi and the usability of reality. 

The probable most important elements for Hyperloop interface, in order of priority:

1. System Information (if active) e.g. Delays, Emergencies etc.
1. Current Time
2. Estimated Time of Arrival
3. Location (journey completion timeline)
4. Speed
5. Broader Journey Details
6. Remaining elements 

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