Friday 9 December 2016

Inspiration from science fiction

Because of the myriad of dull and uninspiring interfaces in existence, it's worth turning to the many worlds of science fiction in order to get a glance of what makes an exciting and engaging system. 

Interfaces in sci-fi films tend to use dark backgrounds with the most important information displayed in a bright colour like red or turquoise. It's worth remembering that these interfaces have been designed primarily to excite and engage the viewer, and would be almost entirely impractical in real-life situations. This is made obvious by the absurd amount of information displayed on many of them, and the almost complete lack of visual hierarchy. Though these interfaces would be totally impractical in an actual situation, they are made engaging through their use of colour, futuristic typefaces and dramatic visual diagrams and iconography. Some of these elements could be incorporated into the Hyperloop interfaces, though not at the expense of usability and intuition. 

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