Thursday 1 December 2016

General Points and Feedback for the Philips MyHealth app

- In general, the majority of people said they would use the MyHealth app 
- Those who said they wouldn't use it themselves said they knew of many people who would 
- People who would use it said that they were appealed by the flat, clean layout and the rewards aspect
- The rewards aspect should be enhanced
- People were concerned that they wouldn't remember to log information; this would be made redundant if the app was mostly autonomous 
- The app could and should link with fitness trackers such as Fitbits etc. 
- People are in favour of allowing users to change the colour scheme from the default Philips brand scheme
- Uncertainty of how to monetise the app; potential partnerships with other organisations like NHS etc.? In-app purchases would be intrusive and annoying
- Would serve as a beacon of Philips' positive impact on the world
- People are appealed to the idea that the app converges the features of all other health apps, and see that as a viable reason to use it over the others
- Notifications and reminders would work well for some people 
- Clear, interesting and simple layout 

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