Friday 16 October 2015

Yorkshire Sculpture Park Rebrand

Yorkshire Sculpture Park has a lot of permanent, recognisable symbols within the sculptures around the park. 
Competitor sculpture parks all seem to have a fascination with a circular symbol. What this represents is unclear, but it could potentially infer the wide, almost infinite reach of the park's sculptures, or the everlasting and always changing variety of them. I'd like my final resolution to have that too. 

This final resolution is inspired by the Molecule Man set of sculptures right at the entrance. If people have seen the logo and then enter the park, they immediately know they're in the right place. It also keeps the circular, infinite element of the former logo and of the competitor logos. It also could reference the site map, with all the different sized circles representing different circles around the park. Additionally, it has potential to exist in multiple forms, from tiny letterheads to a 3D VR animation, to a 50 foot metal sign. 

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