Thursday 15 October 2015

Crosswater Rebrand

Crosswater is a high-end, high-tech bathroom and water-based product design company. They utilise minimalist design principles and emerging technology to create compelling and beautiful showers, taps and accessories. We knew straight away that a sans serif, blue based, modern logo was in order to represent their design ideology and their use of new technology such as smartphone apps and water temperature adjusters. It would also link to their target market, which we believe to be the 30-50 year old technologically and design aware person. 
By abbreviating their name to CW, a much more simple logotype can be created. We liked the sharp, ambitious appearance of it. 

We knew it was a battle between Futura and Helvetica as their new typeface. Whilst we immediately liked Futura's link to CW's subtle 40s aesthetic, it's W typeform was ultimately too sharp and aggressive, even after adjustment. 

The text on the above concept looks too aggressive and bold to the point where you'd almost feel apprehensive to open their menus. By making the text mostly lower case and by putting the logo beside the type, not above, a much calmer and more harmonious appearance is created. 

Proof on concept regarding UI design and sub-brand identity. 

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