Sunday 13 May 2018

Extended Practice Evaluation

Extended Practice

The Extended Practice module has been incredibly useful in advancing my skills and developing my portfolio. Following every brief I would reflect on the impact it had on my portfolio, and what needed to be done from there in order to create a set of work which was representative and directional but also open enough that more than one industry could be explored following graduation. I think I have successfully covered the consumer tech and automotive industries, though more work is needed in order to appeal to the film and game industries. The biggest order of business from this point is to develop and improve my skills in motion graphics and animation. Being able to animate my work, and allowing people to see how it would work in motion, would greatly enhance its presentation and increase my appeal from a recruitment standpoint. Time management was never an issue with this set of briefs - to avoid confusion I would complete almost all briefs in chronological order, and wouldn’t move on to the next until design boards, blogging and the final designs were created. This resulted in a much more concise order of progress in my mind, and resulted in my projects being easier to manage, so no time was wasted on needless retrospective organisation.

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