Thursday 10 May 2018

Brief 8 - Nota App - Concept Development

A large quantity of colour gradients and themes were explored for the Task cards, as well as the shape and corner strategy. Though hard-edged corners are definitive and strong, rounded edged cards work better within a largely colourful theme because of their more soft and friendly appearance. 

Multiple type options were also explored, but Gelion was selected because of its contemporary but friendly and highly readable appearance. Unique character structure and practical but attractive frets afford Gelion its high levels of readability and legibility, particularly in a digital environment. 

Darker background options were explored but deemed unnecessary in feedback sessions

Over time, the hierarchy was defined: 1. Upcoming tasks 2. Recent notes 3. Progress tracker

A dedicated Dark Mode could be easier on the eyes at night, and attend to a variety of personal preferences, but doesn't play well with vibrant gradients

The colour theme was adjusted over time to be both relaxing and vibrant (and in the case of high priority tasks - motivational)

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