Tuesday 13 March 2018

Brief 5 - RINO Live Brief

Brief 5 - RINO Emergency Supplies Packaging 

I was approached, via exposure on my Behance profile, by a startup in California who has the intention of creating high-end emergency supplies. I was commissioned to create some concept and production designs for their packaging and web identity. 

Company brief: 


Company Overview: A high end emergency supply goods company with an upcoming product launch.

The market for this space is not new. It is quite old and outdated. There are seldom companies that provide a high quality product. This is where we come in.

Branding will revolve around clean-cut, modern, modular, & durable design elements. I have attached a few photo samples to the bottom of this document to give you a visual representation of where we see our product design headed (see attached).

Our website is currently in development.

So here is a breakdown of what we are looking to accomplish over the next month and a half (Late February through mid-March)

If you are tight on time or perfer one project over the other we can discuss that further.

Right now, our packaging design is most critical. However, web development and online branding is extremely important. So, the earlier the better for that as well.

Packaging Design Project:

The packaging design project will be broken down into roughly four segments

  1. Very simple, straight forward icon and typography placement for our main product. I already have the icons and typeface pre-selected. Should be a simplistic and easy task. Just would like brief consultation of present work, and final renders suitable to send to our manufacturing partners.
  2. Next up we will be working on individual item packaging assets. Looking at roughly 5-10 items to custom package. So, looking to create custom templates and 2-4 unique design elements to use across the items. Each item will have it’s own custom sizing so it will be more of a task to reorganize designs to fit the necessary item.
  3. Looking to put together a finalized rendering of the front of our main product. Already have a fairly established layout for this design, but this is where I would like a couple designs to choose from - really where I would like for you to flex your creative muscles on.
  4. Lastly, looking to make a roughly 10 page small booklet. Generally content heavy, but with strong attention to a simplistic, clean-cut, easy to follow formatting.

Web Design Project:

  1. The 10 page booklet mentioned in packaging will also relate to our web design experience. Plan to use many of the same assets created in the booklet on our website.
  2. Looking to put together array of social media graphics
  3. Create artwork to publish alongside blog and social posts - with a focus on artwork that can be merged seamlessly through a variety of our content

That should hopefully give you a good overview of the tasks expected out of this role. As of now I believe it to be a small project between 10-15 hours/week until completion (month to month and a half possibly).

Also it is worth noting that I am very much on a startup budget. I want to be transparent and honest about that. Open to discuss how much your services will cost, yet I apologize if I cannot meet your usual rates.

Thank you! :)"

Their pre-existing logo:

Mutual visual inspiration:

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