Wednesday 22 November 2017

Brief 2 - RSA Competition - Design iteration

Various layout and shadow iterations + experimentation with editorial-inspired layouts

Drop shadow iterations - various intensities to create a tighter or 'floatier' visual. Rounded iterations were later included to create a stronger link to clouds, but were disregarded on grounds of aesthetic after multiple feedback sessions.

Initial desktop iterations to assess the design's scalability. Though simple and modernist, these designs were deemed too 'sciency' and flat. If people are trying to sleep, the last thing they want to look at is a graph.

Background blurs can give the appearance of looking through glass, which can have an abstract link to peering out of a window at the sky. Though a relaxing thought, the aesthetic was not compliant with the tone of voice and theme of the app. 

The product's tone of voice must be universally positive - telling people they're not sleeping very well will not help them sleep very well. 

A failed colour concept. Blue used to create calming aesthetic but contrasts too much with surroundings. 

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