Saturday 18 November 2017

Brief 2 - RSA Competition Brief

RSA Philips Brief 2017: Sleep Matters 

Design a product, service or system to improve health and wellbeing by encouraging and/or enabling better sleep.

People often lack enough sleep, or struggle to get to sleep, for the following reasons:

Anxiety or stress, particularly about work or study
The modern propensity for working late 
Technology that allows people to work from anywhere at any time
Getting caught up in thoughts about past events 
Excessive worrying about future events 
A feeling of responsibility 
A feeling of being overstimulated 
Poor sleep patterns 
Eating late 

My brief:
Create an interface that helps people focus, relax and forget about the world. Don't occupy it with statistics or numbers; it's good to help people inform themselves, but a preoccupation with improvement isn't helpful. 

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