Thursday 12 October 2017

Brief 1 - BFR UI - Initial Development, Considerations and User Personas


To provide information on and provide bookings for the BFR Earth-to-Earth rocket transportation network

To provide real-time info, allow users to view and book flights, use their tickets and see cool stats/live visuals etc. 


No signal in space - does the app have an in-flight purpose?

UX of rocket travel will be mostly delivered through the speed and view, and the short distance of the trips further renders in-flight entertainment redundant. Why would you look at a screen when you could look into space/at Earth from space?

UX Elements + Mood Design 

Futuristic, realistic, exciting, simple, visual, live, fast, spacey-but-not-overly-so.

Archetypal User Personas 

26 y/o male 
Product Architect
Often travels from San Francisco - Shanghai for business meetings, liaisons etc.
Interested in tech, current affairs, efficiency, getting things done. Annoyed by gimmicks and things that get in his way. 

39 y/o female
Chief Designer 
Occasionally travels from London to Seoul for design reviews with her suppliers, problem resolution meetings etc. 
Very punctual, refined, and sophisticated. Lives in the future. 

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