Sunday 8 October 2017

Brief 1 - BFR UI - Experience design for SpaceX's Big Falcon Rocket

SpaceX's Elon Musk has proposed using their Mars rocket for Earth-to-Earth travel as well as space-based travel for incredibly fast cross-continent travel. An example flight, from New York to Shanghai, would take 29 minutes. 

A Trainline-style ticket booking and tracking app for the service would allow me to capitalise on the global attention around the proposal, and also allow it to feel more real and achievable. 


Find flights, book flights, track flights. Get exciting stats and info.

Research Considerations

What does the Trainline succeed/fail at?
How much does the app have to shout about it being about spaceflight? Does the Trainline shout about it being about trains or do airline sites shout about aircraft? If so, to what degree? Why?

What information do users need, and what info do they want? Where do you draw the line? 

Design Considerations

Alignment with the SpaceX brand? Assumptions to be made about the future of the brand and its adaptations? 

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