Tuesday 3 November 2015

Grid Systems in The Independent newspaper (work in progress)

Grid systems are used to convey type and images in an ordered, consistent and, most of the time, clear way. There are an almost infinite number of potential grids, but as a general rule they are used to ensure that page layouts remain consistent across a number of pages or issues, and many are based on a Golden Section or the Golden Ratio. 

The Independent employs a 6/9/12-column grid system for their primary newspaper. It allows the layout to breathe and convey a lot of content in a simplistic way without losing complexity and sophistication. 

A multicolumn grid like this is used for the TV & Radio because it allows a lot of relatively concise information to be presented in a clear, organised and structured way. It doesn't take up too much or too little space - it lets the information breathe, but it also shows everything it needs to. 

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