Sunday 24 December 2017

Brief 3 - Instrument Cluster - Benchmarking/Pre-existing product research

Land Rover

Whereas traditional, dial-based instrument clusters all tended to look more or less the same, the introduction of digital, or virtual instrument clusters gave an opportunity to manufacturers to be more individual. They could now better express their brand, and include real-time, dynamic and personalised features that would've been impossible on physical dials. Whereas most automakers chose the skeuomorphic route of emulating the appearance of the physical dials they were replacing, others, such as Tesla, completely ignored their origins to create a much more simple and usable aesthetic which complemented, not hindered, the newly enabled features. 

Saturday 23 December 2017

Brief 3 - Instrument Cluster - Opportunities

There are two unique opportunities provided by the vehicle being electric and autonomous. The more simple nature of electric vehicles (i.e. the lack of a transmission, meaning no gears, or the non-existence of engine revolutions) means that much less information is initially required on the instrument cluster. Most of what exists on traditional clusters is no longer required. This frees up a lot of space to simplify and be more adventurous with the visual elements. 

Elements of autonomy in the vehicle would also allow for more creative freedom - if the user isn't actually operating the vehicle, then the danger of distractions or flair is no longer relevant. This allows for the exploration of abstract or decorative concepts. 

Brief 3 - Instrument Cluster

Design a range of conceptual, digital instrument clusters for a brandless electric vehicle. Challenge what an instrument cluster can be, remember the autonomous future of vehicles, and utilise colour to evoke various psychological responses. 

Experimenting with instrument cluster designs will help assess and develop my ability and knowledge of automotive UI design, a field I intend to enter after graduating.  

A contemporary virtual instrument cluster in Ford vehicles