Thursday 27 April 2017

End of Module Evaluation

Responsive has been an intense and enjoyable module, with numerous learning experiences. 

For my two small individual briefs I chose to respond to the next issue of NEST, with the theme of space, and the LCA Sustainability Award. I chose to submit a piece for NEST because I saw it as a good opportunity to capitalise on my interest in space with my desire to learn 3D software. I watched numerous Cinema 4D tutorials and walkthroughs to get a basic grasp of the software, and then created a variety of 3D objects and backgrounds to evoke both the physical and literal definition of space. Learning the basics of 3D object creation was invaluable, particularly as it was recommended I do so in a recent job interview at Jaguar Land Rover. Having my work displayed in an issue of NEST also helps to get my name on more content, even if its content that isn't directly related to my main specialties. 

I chose to respond to the LCA Sustainability Award both because it relates to my interest in environmental sustainability and allowed me to create a user interface, which I assume is not what most people will submit. It also gave me an opportunity to explore interface design for smartphones, which is not something I usually do since my focus is on experience design for transport. It was also a helpful experience to create the simplest but most useful and appealing interface. 

For my substantial brief I responded to an RSA brief because their focus on innovative and life improving solutions appealed to me. Their almost exclusive focus on industrial design was a limitation however, both in being successful in creating a relevant enough product and finding a brief open enough to respond to. I chose The Good Life 2.0 by Philips because the brief was open and inspiring: "Use design to empower people to better prevent, detect, treat and possibly reverse lifestyle-related health conditions." I conducted an extensive range of research into both global health and Philips themselves, and this was invaluable in the concept stage of my project. I identified fitness trackers and health apps as having the potential for massive positive impact on global health, but that there were numerous limitations on current iterations. Creating a digital environment for a brand with an already established identity and with products that span a wide range of products and industries was an interesting and valuable experience. 

Our collaborative team chose The Grown Up Chocolate Company's YCN brief to take advantage of our group's variety of skills and our mutual interest in packaging. It was a useful experience working in a tight-knit group of people, and we were fortunate in having no major issues working together. We worked efficiently, and communicated well enough that we always knew at what stage each other was at and where we needed to be at what point. We used Facebook Messenger and Google Drive to make sure we always all had access to the files and information we needed. I think we did a good job of managing each other in a way which was both fun and efficient, and it resulted in us achieving everything we set out to do. Though our ideal experience didn't give many opportunities for damage control and conflict resolution, the former experience is preferable. It was also a unique challenge having to create a unique piece of packaging for a company with such a strong brand and uniform set of normal packaging. It was a challenge which required us all to work together and come up with an innovative solution, and that is always much more useful than an easy task. 

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