Friday 4 March 2016

Revised Cover Ideas for Photobook

I redesigned the front cover to make it more in-line with the creative direction of the rest of the book. I have contrasted serif and sans serif type of a small size to ensure the image(s) gets all of the real estate, undistracted by anything. 

Current Banknote Research

The majority of current banknote designs feature highly traditional imagery, that of which is reminiscent of the first ever banknotes. Now, however, physical currency designs are becoming more in line with modern design aesthetics. Modern redesigns that are being rolled out are less dramatic than deviating concepts, although Norway recently went radical recently with a modern redesign, as seen above. 

Currently existing and conceptual designs can be seen below. 

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Typography within Northumberland Photobook

Whilst I initially wanted to contrast huge, military-like text with the beautiful scenery, I decided after multiple focus groups that a very small contrast of serif and sans-serif type would be more appropriate (especially considering the size of the document).

Northumberland Photobook Cover Ideas

I have chosen an image from within the publication to represent it on the outside. I chose one which balanced beauty with power and intrigue; in this case created by the dark black/blue sky. I like the idea of using a side bar, but it is maybe overly sophisticated for this usage scenario. A large quote displayed on the back page would add an epic aesthetic, but might contrast too much which the small text featured throughout. 

Large Publication: Northumberland Photobook

I had many ideas for my large publication, including mountains and exploration, survival, and the future (incorporating elements such as climate change, renewable energy, technology, transportation and space exploration).

Eventually, however, I decided to go with an idea which stuck in my mind throughout my concept exploration: a photobook of places around Northumberland. It will be inspired by the likes of Another Escape and 1924us, and will feature photographs of landscapes around the area taken by me and my dad.

This front cover idea pays homage to the thick white borders employed by Another Escape, as does the size of the publication, which is slightly wider than A4. 

The emotional effect created by the black and white imagery, as well as the constructivist typography, maybe creates an appearance that I'm not quite looking for. 

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Design Principles Book: Final Design

Final Book in Issuu:

The publication is designed in a way which is reminiscent of a technical manual. ADA Hybrid, the primary typeface, has been employed alongside Orator STD because of its sharpened, constructed and aggressive appearance. Red has been chosen for its use in other prestigious design publications. 

Cover Variants

My final cover variant utilises ADA Hybrid as its main typeface and plays with the eye by very subtly decreasing in type size as the words reach the bottom. It is designed to be visually appealing but not overwhelming, much like the back cover, which was created with the intention of playing with the eye and bringing a final, closing send off to the publication.

Red is by far and away the most commonly used colour in books about graphic design. Michael Bierut, Erik Spiekermann, Massimo Vignelli and Josef-Muller Brockmann all have employed the colour in their publications, both physical and digital. 

This blue variant shows how the cover could evolve for other design fields in other manuals in the series, if of course it was to be a series. 

Design Principles: Book

I decided quite early on that the most suitable form factor for my design principles publication would be a book. I wanted to represent as many design principles and theories as I could, and the form of a book has the look and feel I want. It also makes for medium-to-high quality longevity and easier methods of reliable distribution if I made multiple prints.